
Nicoleta Alexandra Ionita

Face to face to Lucretia Milea. It is like being in a gorgeous church of Her Greatness ART and going down on your knees suddenly and full of happiness for breathing in the generosity, the force and the self-abandonment of a living sacred image, now and for eternity. There, always there and never elsewhere, in the peaceful and endless universe of the beauty, which gives shelter to ART that is faith, joy, profession, courage, eternal endeavour.


One summer afternoon when it was raining with sweet love songs, the destiny gave me the chance to go down in the workroom of the one to whom I dedicate these humble lines. The old stairs, with large steps but not rigid at all were taking me not „down”, as it would have been normal, but somewhere, „up”: into the Creation. I was climbing! „Up”, to the altar where the tireless skill of her hands reigns, where for decades she had been sharing her heart's desire, the essence of her deepest feelings and dreams, with clay, china and colour. In the name of beauty. Having the „autonomy of expressiveness which detaches itself from the obsession of the well-known decorative setting”, as Virgil Mocanu states.
I found there a blessed place, which had been fertilized by the verb „to create” and, having a look at what now means the artist's workroom, I realized why „ART is called the divine product of man”- „the result of the lucid endeavour of a remarkable personality” (Virgil Mocanu).

In each of those wonderful „Interferences” of shapes created by a delicate inspiration, in the aroma of roses which were transfigured in the lily-white china, touched by angels' fingers, in the geometric configurations with interior harmony, in the labyrinth motif spaces that enclose other spaces, somehow oriental, „the mistery lies only in the sculptural expressiveness”, developing into shape, sacred mystery and miracle. All and everything, icons, ceramics, scrupulosity and passion, offer in a concentric manner, the altar of eternal endeavour: Lucretia MILEA. She is an artist among people, a human being among those tireless knights whose destiny is to teach us, by everything they do, the lesson of the absolute, in a fundamentally modern vision, in which, nevertheless, the strong traditional calling can be found.


There, inside the workroom, under the light of the new born shapes, „stone-still shapes made by fire”, in the „rhythmical tension of details” (that were observed by Cornel Radu Constantinescu), in that peace where only  the clay knows how to play the Romanian doina, being like a god, where her hand creates, there, where „the  reasons of architecture” and the living flowers of a huge splendid soul display a „fine intellectual spirit”, where the unforeseeable vegetable growth and the imagination harmony form the pure symphony of the artistic ego, LUCREtIA MILEA- artist and master, is at HOME. There, in the workroom where creation is fecund. Peacefully, as always.
There, where, together work and passion, colour and shape, fantastic and tradition, desire and passion enlighten the figure of a mature, complete artist, who offers to her creations and tools as well a special meaning, for now and for ever, as in a „book of books” that is exclusively dedicated to beauty. There stands LUCREtIA MILEA, in the cradle of creation, owner as well as worker - an artist on the world's meridians. There, she convinces us, by herself, by her work, that „if we love saints, we must imitate them”. Maybe that is why Goethe said: „The one who has got art and science, has got,religion too”.


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