
The 19th of January 1989

A large and tormented unfolding of adventures of childbirth pains, of challenges, of development, of metamorphoses from the moment when the vision takes shape in the artist's mind and aspirations till its materialization in the form the artist has strived for.

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Face to face to Lucretia Milea. It is like being in a gorgeous church of Her Greatness ART and going down on your knees suddenly and full of happiness for breathing in the generosity, the force and the self-abandonment of a living sacred image, now and for eternity. There, always there and never elsewhere, in the peaceful and endless universe of the beauty, which gives shelter to ART that is faith, joy, profession, courage, eternal endeavour.

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Motto: “Ceramics, a species of decorative arts, requires a specific dealing with, not only according to the material but also to the logics of its expression, if we can say so”. (Cornel Radu Constantinescu, art critic) Lucretia Milea, a ceramist, has got her stylish studio at nr. 15, Ion Creanga street. Compared with the other studios, the first room displays the artist's love for tidiness and comfort. In the other room there is the kiln in which the artist burns her works. Even if the air temperature is 36°C outside, in the studio there is a cool and comfortable atmosphere, proper for having a chat about her activity.

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